Editing an existing stylesheet - Groove 3.1


Marc Dimmick

When creating forms in Groove 3.1 are you able to edit the default
stylesheets and if so how to get access to them?


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker

Marc Dimmick

Found my own answer yes you can the stylesheets are in the following

C:\Program Files\Groove

Not sure though about the second location

C:\Program Files\Groove

It seems to be a second copy.


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker

Hugh Pyle [MSFT]

You got it.

There are several versions of the Forms tool. The latest in Groove V3.1
(i.e. the version which you'll get if you add a new tool to a new workspace)
is Forms version 4. Verify this by right-click on the tool's tab, select
"Properties". The shipped CSS styles for Forms4 tools are in the
GrooveForms4 folder under ToolData.

This location changes in Groove 2007 Beta2 (Tech Refresh? I don't remember
offhand whether this final location change is in the Beta2 or not), to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\<LCID>\GrooveForms5\FormsStyles
where <LCID> is 1033 for U.S.English, (etc).

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