editing an report, numbers are not printed



Hello to all,
After a passage from Access97 to access2000, running on W2K
Pro, I have created reports with the lists of the records.

Previously (access97), the printout was correct. The
numbers and text was OK. Now I have only Text without numbers.

I have changed/reintalled the printers (HP 2100 and 4100)
withot any result, passage through PostScript version did
not change.
If someone else logs (workgroup) on my machine, printouts
are OK !!!!

It seems that there is something wrong with user ID (at
least mine).

If I reinstall access97, EVERY THING IS OK. Local
administrator did not found the reason for this problem, so
we reinstalled access2000 but no change.

PLEASE, SOMEONE CAN HELP since I can not keep access97.

To post an solution, remove NoSpamm from my mail address.

Thank you in advance for an solution

Cheryl Fischer

This problem comes up occasionally. It was resolved by "Guylaine
([email protected])" earlier this year. Following is a complete copy
of his post.

Begin quoted material:
The fix is quite simple but still strange ...

For some reason the registry key 1025 is set to ON (concerning arabic
language) and the arabic language is not taken care of ...

You either turn it OFF :
Key : HKEY_USERS\<<user
(As to be done for every user on the machine)

or install the arabic language (good for everyone):
Control Panel
Regional settings
General tab
Check the arabic language
Accept and reboot

I found it on Microsoft French site KB469516:

If you have the problem I'm sure you can read french !!

Take care

End quoted material


Hi Cheryl,
Thank you for help, you are more lucky than me to find the
explanations. French is OK, it's one of 4 languages that I
am using every day.

I will try it tommorow.....

Thank You

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