Editing Comments


Please Help

I wondered if any one could tell me why I cant edit a comment that has been
made allready on my excel spreadsheet I can add in new ones and edit them but
any older ones i cant.


Could the ones you can't edit actually be DataValidation InputMessage boxes
rather than CommentBoxes?

Does the problem exist if you open the file on another computer?

Do you have the same problem with other files on this same computer?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Ok, then that pretty clearly indicates that the trouble is within that one
file itself. If you don't get an answer that solves it, you may have to
result to re-creating the entire workbook......(sometimes the Dragon
wins)......try copying it out one sheet at a time to a new workbook and check
each time to see if the trouble transfers to the new file......when it does,
you may be able to narrow it down to one sheet.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3



Maybe all you need to do is move to a cell with a comment, right-click it
and choose Edit Comment.


I have the same exact Problem, has anyone found out why? On a spreadsheet,
some comments, when I right-click are editable, and some (most) - nothing
happens. The only way to edit them is to select 'Show' first, edit - and
then de-select 'Show Comment'. There has to be a solution/explanation!


Hi, I have the same problem, as well. The newer comments I can edit fine. The
older ones I've had to "Show" then try to edit and then close. The other
issue is that I don't seem able to format any of my cells, even the blank
ones. The sheet is not protected. I've told it not to enable macros. Right
clicking doesn't seem to work any better. Were you able to get an answer to
your question? I'm hoping there some easy setting thats gotten fouled up. I
have a co-worker who uses this more than I do and she's going crazy; can't
enter current information in the cells. HELP!

Lady G

I am also having this problem. My workbook is not protected (but it is
shared). Older comments (not Data Validations) must be shown before they can
be edited. Some newer ones still seem to retain the one-right-click access.
Right click, edit comments does not have any effect on the older comments
(nor does going in through the view menu), but I have been unable to
determine exactly how far back this goes with regards to when the comments
were created. My workbook contains at least a thousand comments (making me
loathe to recreate one by one). Any ideas on why the edit comment function
would cease to work?

Better still, any ideas on how to automate a fix and avoid this problem in
the future?

Lady G

p.s. - the worksheets are not grouped, the display properties are set at
comment indicator only, the problem exists on this file on multiple PCs and
persists when portions of the sheet are copied to new blank workbooks, but
does extend to other workbooks which include extensive comments. Appears
limited to this workbook only (for now).

Lady G

P.S. In the interests of efficiency: the worksheets are not grouped; the
display properties are set at comment indicator only; the problem exists on
this file on multiple PCs and persists when portions of the sheet are copied
to new blank workbooks, but does extend to other workbooks which include
extensive comments. Appears limited to this workbook only (for now).


(using Office excel 2003) I've been struggling with same "Locked Comments"
problem. Two solutions worked: 1) copied my three worksheets to a new
workbook, where comments can be edited as usual (right click method)...and
then went back to original workbook:
2) I discovered I had coded the original workbook as "shared"...once
removed, comments could be edited normally.
[ to check/remove "shared" designation: click TOOLS, then SHARED WORKBOOK,
then on the "editing" tab, and UNcheck the box ("allow changes by more than
one user...") and click OK.] Hope it works.

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