I am using Word 2003, and am trying to protect a template document (a
contract_ that allows editing of only the name of the contracting party and
the dates of the term of the contract. I found "Allow Editing in a Protected
Document" from the help menu, and followed the directions by going to
Tools/Protect Document, then in Editing Restrictions, choosing Filling in
Forms. Then I selected the parts of the contract I want unrestricted. But
now I am supposed to "Select the Everyone check box in the Groups box".
Where is the Groups box? I can't find it! Can anyone tell me?
contract_ that allows editing of only the name of the contracting party and
the dates of the term of the contract. I found "Allow Editing in a Protected
Document" from the help menu, and followed the directions by going to
Tools/Protect Document, then in Editing Restrictions, choosing Filling in
Forms. Then I selected the parts of the contract I want unrestricted. But
now I am supposed to "Select the Everyone check box in the Groups box".
Where is the Groups box? I can't find it! Can anyone tell me?