Editing Messages in Outbox puts them in "None" category. Will not



Using 2003 SP2 if I open and edit a message in Outbox (to correct an error or
add an attachment, for instance), the message moves to the category "None"
and will not be sent during the next Send / Receive cycle. In fact, any time
I switch to Outbox, the last message that I composed will make this switch to
the None category. If I Forward a message in the None category, it appears
with all the To and CC addresses, plus my signature block again. I can remove
the signature block and Send - then the message appears to process normally.
But the original is still in the None category.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

I think this is the standard behavior now even if it wasn't in past
versions. You really shouldn't muck around with messages in the Outbox if
you want them to get sent.


Thanks for the quick reply.

- others in the office with same Outlook version can open, edit and send
items from the Outbox just fine. This problem surfaced in 2003 before
installing SP2 and it remains, but only on my laptop.
- if there’s no opportunity to Edit from the Outbox, why not force
everything into the Send immediately mode, assuming online?

I can't imagine why Microsoft would "revert" from a useful capability like
Editing items in the Outbox. Clearly there's a bona fide need / value for
this feature.

Is there a chance of another viewpoint / possible solution surfacing here,
or should I move on to paid support? Clearly if this Edit outbox works on one
machine here, and not another - with same version of software and updates -
it's not by design.

Thanks very much.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Do you mean that you have the Categories field displayed and you're seeing the word None there? That doesn't make any sense.

My guess is that you have an add-in installed that automatically opens any item you select in the Outbox and puts it in a state where it can't be sent. The short-term fix is to open the item yourself, switch away from the Outbox (so the item can't be selected automatically), then send it and don't go back to the Outbox until that item is sent.

The longterm fix is to remove the add-in causing the problem.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Thanks, Sue. I may have confused things. In the Outbox, messages waiting to
be sent appear organized into a group (better word than Category, in the
Outlook context) abeled Date: Today. This has a -/+ option to collapse or

The problem I'm seeing results in the message moving from Date: Today into a
grouping labeled Date: None. Anything in Date: None will not be sent on the
next Send / Receive cycle.

If I compose a message while in Outbox, and click Send, it appears to be
properly placed in the Date: Today group. But if I click on that message, it
immediately moves to Date: None. If I open a message that's in Date:None, I
can edit it, but it returns to Date: None when I click Send. This is the case
whether I remain in the Outbox, or close it, complete the editing and hit
Send. The message just stays in Date: None on the next Send / Receive.

On the other hand, if I Forward a message in Date: None,, it appears with
the To: and cc: properly filled out. The normal FW: (subject) does not appear
in the Subject line, just the Subject as originally entered. But a new
signature is entered. I can remove the duplicate Signature block , click Send
and it appears in Date: Today. If I don't touch it again, the next Send /
Receive processes that message correctly. The original, of course, is still
in the Date:None group.

I will take a look at my Add-ins and try pulling them one at a time. I don't
recall installing any new apps or Add-ins at the time this started, however.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

No confusion at all. Those were exactly the symptoms I figured you were describing.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

DJ said:
Thanks, Sue. I may have confused things. In the Outbox, messages waiting to
be sent appear organized into a group (better word than Category, in the
Outlook context) abeled Date: Today. This has a -/+ option to collapse or

The problem I'm seeing results in the message moving from Date: Today into a
grouping labeled Date: None. Anything in Date: None will not be sent on the
next Send / Receive cycle.

If I compose a message while in Outbox, and click Send, it appears to be
properly placed in the Date: Today group. But if I click on that message, it
immediately moves to Date: None. If I open a message that's in Date:None, I
can edit it, but it returns to Date: None when I click Send. This is the case
whether I remain in the Outbox, or close it, complete the editing and hit
Send. The message just stays in Date: None on the next Send / Receive.

On the other hand, if I Forward a message in Date: None,, it appears with
the To: and cc: properly filled out. The normal FW: (subject) does not appear
in the Subject line, just the Subject as originally entered. But a new
signature is entered. I can remove the duplicate Signature block , click Send
and it appears in Date: Today. If I don't touch it again, the next Send /
Receive processes that message correctly. The original, of course, is still
in the Date:None group.

I will take a look at my Add-ins and try pulling them one at a time. I don't
recall installing any new apps or Add-ins at the time this started, however.



THank you. I removed all the Add-in and COM and restarted. Outbox appears to
be working correctly - as it did in the past. Turned one of the Add-ins back
on, and it's still working ok. I am happy with this. The other addins were
not "value added" so I will just leave them off for now. I appreciate the

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