Editing Outlook Richtext Format Control




I need to be able to transfer the information from all my textboxes into a
richtext format control so that the information is readable when it is sent
as an email.

Where can I find the syntax for getting the control and appending strings to

Thanks in advance,


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you mean readable in the message body, you'll need to collate the data from the text boxes into a simple string and use that string to assign a value to the MailItem.Body property or use HTML tags to lay out the information and build a string that you can use to set the HTMLBody property.

Hollis Paul

I need to be able to transfer the information from all my textboxes into a
richtext format control so that the information is readable when it is sent
as an email.
Actually, you don't need to do this transfer to make your textboxes readable
in an email. Assuming that you are talking about an textboxes on an email
form, you need to send the message using the TNEF wrapper. This is
accomplished by opening the contact item of the recipient of the message,
right-clicking on the e-mail address you will be using--choose properties.
Depending on the version of Outlook you are using, there is either a check-box
on the bottom labeled always send to this recipient in rtf format or there is
a drop-down listbox labeled internet format or something like that and one of
the choices is rtf format. Your entire message should be readable on the
recipient end.

You can get to this spot in the Outlook maze from the message you are sending.
Right-Click on the email recipient, choose Outlook properties and the contact
item is brought to life.

The vbscript syntax for accessing controls in custom form scripts can be found

VBScript in Outlook Development 5/11/2007
Resources for using VBScript for Microsoft Outlook programming
http://www.outlookcode.com/archive0/d/vbscript.htm - 25 KB

VBScript in Outlook Development 6/5/2007
Resources for using VBScript for Microsoft Outlook programming
http://www.outlookcode.com/d/vbscript.htm - 12 KB

Syntax for Microsoft Outlook property and control values and events
Correct syntax for accessing Microsoft Outlook property and control values
and writing events that respond to changes in properties or control values
http://www.outlookcode.com/d/propsyntax.htm - 12 KB

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