Editing query error message


christen May Co.

I have an error that comes up everytime i try to edit a
query using the query wizard. It says "This query cannot
be edited by the Query Wizard". I have rebuilt the actual
query using SQL, and deleting the sheet and rebuilding the
query in the wizard, and each time I go back to edit it
the error comes up again, for no an unknown reason. If i
don't specify any limitations it runs, but if i specify I
only want certain data between 2 dates, it brings up the
data requested, but if i go back to edit that query in the
wizard it won't let me! I need help so my end users can
use this report!

Jamie Collins

I have an error that comes up everytime i try to edit a
query using the query wizard. It says "This query cannot
be edited by the Query Wizard". I have rebuilt the actual
query using SQL, and deleting the sheet and rebuilding the
query in the wizard, and each time I go back to edit it
the error comes up again, for no an unknown reason. If i
don't specify any limitations it runs, but if i specify I
only want certain data between 2 dates, it brings up the
data requested, but if i go back to edit that query in the
wizard it won't let me! I need help so my end users can
use this report!

I don't think the message is in response to an 'error'. Rather, I
think it means the SQL is too complex for the wizard to deconstruct.
If you OK the message, the MS Query UI opens, in which you can edit
the query using either the 'clicky-click' Tables and Criteria GUI or
by editing the SQL directly. After editing, if you close MS Query the
data on the Excel worksheet should be updated i.e. no need to delete
the query/sheet and recreate etc.

Consider automating the process for your users by writing some VBA to
change the SQL or to add parameters. You may get some ideas from Dick
Kusleika's site:





I know this eliminates the error, but my end users are not able to edit their queries using Microsoft query, because they do not know how, they need to use the wizard to edit their queries because they do it so often, any one have any other ideas?

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