Editing scenarios




I did post this question a few days ago but didn't get a reply so I'm really
hoping somebody can help me......

I have created 3 scenarios, all containing details of various bank loans,
interest rates etc.

I have produced the scenario summary report and it worked fine, however, I
have now gone to one of the scenarios and changed some of the figures. When
I then
reproduce the scenario report, it doesn't take into account the new figures I
have entered, it still runs on the old ones, even though I saved the workbook.

How do I tell Excel that the details for Scenario Two, for example, have
changed and that the report should therefore show these?? I'm obviously
missing out a vital step but i don't know where........

Thank you.


Yes it is checked. I don't have a problem with any of my other formulae,
just editing scenarios.


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