Have you tried the Format Painter (the paintbrush icon)? This a a quick
simple method of assigning formats.
Mouse click on "Awful", do not select the word or the letter or the sentence
or the paragraph, just have the cursor flahing in this area, press the Format
Painter icon, then mouse click on "rice", again don't hold the mouse button
down, just click once. This will format rice to the same style that Awful has.
Note: if you double click the icon, the function of painting the format will
stick so you can multi assign the format to different lines, to cancel, press
Also ensure that the text you are selecting the format from does not have
any manual formatting as this will come over as well. To clear manual
formatting (ie to revert to the style properties), select the whole parapraph
and press Ctrl+Spacebar.
As you are talking about a level that looks like 2.1, did you use the
Heading 2 style to achieve the autonumbering? If you did, you can press
Ctrl+Alt+2, which is a biult-in shortcut for assigning the Heading 2 style,
along with Ctrl+Alt+1 for Heading 1 and Ctrl+Alt+3 for Heading 3.
Hope this helps