Editing XL95 custom menus with XL97



Problems are being encountered when moving an XL file with numerous
macros from XL95 to XL97. The XL file macros are linked to a pull down
lists on the menu bar. An example of a screen view can be viewed at the
web site:

Responses to prior posts have taught me that placing an ampersand before
a letter in a menu name enables one to use a keyboard shortcut to that
menu item. In XL95 I can use the MENU EDITOR to edit the menu items as
shown in:


Ampersands added using the XL95 menu editor then work in XL97, but I
need a way to do it from within XL97. How does one customize / edit this
menu from within XL97 when my custom list “ActionList” does not appear
in the list of menu items. I similarly could not find it listed
elsewhere. See


Thanks in advance... WindsurferLA

Bob Phillips

I would start again and build the menus anew using the Commandbar facility
in XL97 on. John Walkenbach has a menu maker utility that you can utilise at

By the way, your links didn't work for me.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Gord Dibben


Excel 5.0 and earlier used the "Menu Editor" to build menus. This is no
longer available in versions newer than 5.0. You can't use the "delete"
method or "reset" to get rid of the custom menu items.

You also cannot edit these items to add the ampersand as you wish.

Best thing to do is get rid of them and start over as Bob suggests or edit
them in Excel 5.0

To get rid of the custom menu download Jim Rech's REMOVEMENUS.ZIP file from
Stephen Bullen's site. See instructions and d/l file from:


Gord Dibben Excel MVP


Gord said:

Excel 5.0 and earlier used the "Menu Editor" to build menus. This is no
longer available in versions newer than 5.0. You can't use the "delete"
method or "reset" to get rid of the custom menu items.

You also cannot edit these items to add the ampersand as you wish.

Best thing to do is get rid of them and start over as Bob suggests or edit
them in Excel 5.0

To get rid of the custom menu download Jim Rech's REMOVEMENUS.ZIP file from
Stephen Bullen's site. See instructions and d/l file from:


Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Starting over is not a pleasant thought as there are at least 100
macros, but it appears I have no alternative. At least I'll be able to
reuse the macro code. Thanks for the help.

Bob Phillips

Also, if you use John Walk's Menu Maker it will be relatively easy.

Try it out on a couple of the macros and get the fell of it. Then just jot
down all your macros and menu structures on a bit of paper, and transcribing
to the Menu Maker is a piece of cake. You are talking a few hours at most.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

windsurferLA said:
Gord said:

Excel 5.0 and earlier used the "Menu Editor" to build menus. This is no
longer available in versions newer than 5.0. You can't use the "delete"
method or "reset" to get rid of the custom menu items.

You also cannot edit these items to add the ampersand as you wish.

Best thing to do is get rid of them and start over as Bob suggests or edit
them in Excel 5.0

To get rid of the custom menu download Jim Rech's REMOVEMENUS.ZIP file from
Stephen Bullen's site. See instructions and d/l file from:


Gord Dibben Excel MVP


Bob said:
Also, if you use John Walk's Menu Maker it will be relatively easy.

Try it out on a couple of the macros and get the fell of it. Then just jot
down all your macros and menu structures on a bit of paper, and transcribing
to the Menu Maker is a piece of cake. You are talking a few hours at most.
I mistakenly started constructing new macros before studying John Walk's
Menu Maker. After building much of my menu structure, I realized that
once a custom menu structure is added to one workbook, it appears in all
workbooks. I then realized that I could place menu items in a custom
menu that is revealed and hidden as the workbook is opened and closed.
However, John Walk's approach seems better as the menu items can't be
inadvertently altered when running another workbook. I expect I'll go
back and reconstruct menu's using his tool.

Is there a way to capture the details of menu items that I've entered
using standard XL97 procedures, so I can cut an paste them into sheets
formated according to John Walk's procedure? Alternatively, is there a
way to capture the XL95 menu items from my old workbook in either XL95
or XL97?

Can you point me to any other ways, if there are any, are there to
restrict custom menu items to specific workbook?

Thanks for the help. WindsurferLA

Bob Phillips

You could write a simple VB routine that would extract the details from your
menu, and put it in a worksheet.

For example, say your menu is called "WindSurfer", this should be a start

Private iLevel As Long
Private iRow As Long

Sub ReverseMenu()
Const kMenu As String = "Windsurfer"
Dim oCtl As CommandBarControl

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets("Menu Maker").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
Worksheets.Add.Name = "Menu Maker"
Range("A1").Value = "Level"
Range("B1").Value = "Caption"
Range("C1").Value = "Position/Macro"
Range("D1").Value = "Divider"
Range("E1").Value = "Face Id"

iLevel = 1
iRow = 2
With Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
Range("A2").Value = iLevel
Range("B2").Value = kMenu
Range("C2").Value = ""
Range("D2").Value = IIf(.Controls(kMenu).BeginGroup, "TRUE", "")
Range("E2").Value = ""
nextlevel .Controls(kMenu)
End With

End Sub

Sub nextlevel(ctlParent As CommandBarControl)
Dim ctl As CommandBarControl

iLevel = iLevel + 1
For Each ctl In ctlParent.Controls
iRow = iRow + 1
Cells(iRow, "A").Value = iLevel
Cells(iRow, "B").Value = ctl.Caption
Cells(iRow, "C").Value = ctl.OnAction
Cells(iRow, "D").Value = IIf(ctl.BeginGroup, "TRUE", "")
If ctl.Type = msoControlPopup Then
Cells(iRow, "E").Value = ""
Cells(iRow, "E").Value = ctl.FaceId
End If
If ctl.Type = msoControlPopup Then
nextlevel ctl
End If
Next ctl
iLevel = iLevel - 1
End Sub

You will need to add the position of the first item, and modfy the onACtions
if they have a full path, but it is a start.

If you arer creating a custom toolbar, it will need some modification.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

On the second point, you could enable and disable your menu specifically on
activate/deactivate that workbook. And delete it on close.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Bob said:
You could write a simple VB routine that would extract the details from your
menu, and put it in a worksheet.

For example, say your menu is called "WindSurfer", this should be a start

Private iLevel As Long
Private iRow As Long

Sub ReverseMenu()
Const kMenu As String = "Windsurfer"
Dim oCtl As CommandBarControl

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets("Menu Maker").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
Worksheets.Add.Name = "Menu Maker"
Range("A1").Value = "Level"
Range("B1").Value = "Caption"
Range("C1").Value = "Position/Macro"
Range("D1").Value = "Divider"
Range("E1").Value = "Face Id"

iLevel = 1
iRow = 2
With Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
Range("A2").Value = iLevel
Range("B2").Value = kMenu
Range("C2").Value = ""
Range("D2").Value = IIf(.Controls(kMenu).BeginGroup, "TRUE", "")
Range("E2").Value = ""
nextlevel .Controls(kMenu)
End With

End Sub

Sub nextlevel(ctlParent As CommandBarControl)
Dim ctl As CommandBarControl

iLevel = iLevel + 1
For Each ctl In ctlParent.Controls
iRow = iRow + 1
Cells(iRow, "A").Value = iLevel
Cells(iRow, "B").Value = ctl.Caption
Cells(iRow, "C").Value = ctl.OnAction
Cells(iRow, "D").Value = IIf(ctl.BeginGroup, "TRUE", "")
If ctl.Type = msoControlPopup Then
Cells(iRow, "E").Value = ""
Cells(iRow, "E").Value = ctl.FaceId
End If
If ctl.Type = msoControlPopup Then
nextlevel ctl
End If
Next ctl
iLevel = iLevel - 1
End Sub

You will need to add the position of the first item, and modfy the onACtions
if they have a full path, but it is a start.

If you arer creating a custom toolbar, it will need some modification.

Thanks... will try your code... WindsurferLA


windsurferLA said:
Thanks... will try your code... WindsurferLA

Per your suggestion, I downloaded John's menu maker. I can get John
Walkenbach menu maker utility to work in a new blank XL97 workbook, but
I can't get it to work in my workbook that already has numerous macros.
The error message that I get is "compile error, user defined type not
defined" and the line

Dim MenuObject as CommandBarPopup

is highlighted.
I note under View\Toobars a toolbar called CommandBar is listed,
possibly because I created it in response to the error message.

I suspect a conflict between one of my macro set up and John's. ANY

a screen image can be found at


Thanks in advance... WindsurferLA

Bob Phillips

Sounds as though the Office library reference has gone. In the VB IDE, goto
Tools>References. Is there a ticked entry for Microsoft Office n.n Object
Library, where n.n is a version number?

If not, scroll down un til you find it (it is probably near the top, else in
alphabetical order) and check it.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Bob said:
Sounds as though the Office library reference has gone. In the VB IDE, goto
Tools>References. Is there a ticked entry for Microsoft Office n.n Object
Library, where n.n is a version number?

If not, scroll down un til you find it (it is probably near the top, else in
alphabetical order) and check it.

WindsurferLA .. I'm going to replicate this post as a new thread, as the
current one is getting a bit long.

You're right... but we still don't have solution.

Office Library Reference is gone, but the problem seems yet more
complex. When I go to the VB macro editor after opening the main
workbook (that has been converted automatically from XL95 to XL97), the
option to look at the Office Library Reference is grayed out. Thus I
can't scroll through the list of Office Library References.

I have also investigated the Office Library Reference in an test
workbook (1) created from scatch using XL97, (2) incorporating the menu
creator macros, and (3) in which the menu creator works just fine. When
that workbook is open, the Office Library References are accessible, and
the is an MSOffice 8.0 Object Library with a check mark as well as a
MSOffic95 Object Library listed without a check mark. Checking the
MSOffice95 Object Library did not seem to help.

Another issue that might be related has to do with the list of saved
programs. The main workbook uses the AutoSave macro to rename
previously saved versions and save the most recent version as the prime
version. I note that when I go back to open Excel, the main workbook is
not listed in the list of recently saved files.

Rather than trying to solve all these issues, how about if I just start
with a virgin XL97 workbook, copy in the data and copy in the content of
all the macro sheets. However, I must admit that I'm uncertain about my
ability to copy in all the macro sheets without loosing some links.

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