Efficiency of Outlook server storage



If I send a 1MB message out to ten people, does the server store it as ten
1MB messages or is it stored as a 1MB message with ten pointers to it, such
that once all ten have deleted the message, the 1MB message then gets deleted?

Roady [MVP]

For Exchange; that is more or less the story yeah.

It makes the question on how Exchange reports mailbox sizes an interresting
one now, doesn't it? ;-)

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data


Roady: I couldn't quite gather from your reply if it's stored then as a
single 1MB file or ten 1MB files. I'm interpreting it that it's a single 1MB

This leads to a second question - does the answer to my question differ
based on the version of the Exchange server?

William Lefkovics [MVP]

Exchange stores this as a single 1MB file with 10 pointers to it within a
single storage group. It's called Single Instance Storage.

The 1MB file will get deleted when all the pointers are deleted. That is,
purged from deleted items and expired past deleted item retention periods if
implemented server-side.

William Lefkovics


"if I send 10 users a 1MB email message and all the mailboxes are located in
the same database, one copy of the message is written to the database and
each mailbox points to this message which will consume 1MB of disk space in
total. If the 10 recipients are located in two different databases, each
database will get a copy of this message which will consume 2MB of disk
space. As you can see this is a much more efficient use of space as opposed
to the alternative of 10 1MB messages using up 10 MB of disk space."


Steve said:
Roady: I couldn't quite gather from your reply if it's stored then as a
single 1MB file or ten 1MB files. I'm interpreting it that it's a single

This leads to a second question - does the answer to my question differ
based on the version of the Exchange server?
Steve Mullen

Roady said:
For Exchange; that is more or less the story yeah.

It makes the question on how Exchange reports mailbox sizes an
one now, doesn't it? ;-)

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

If I send a 1MB message out to ten people, does the server store it as
1MB messages or is it stored as a 1MB message with ten pointers to it,
that once all ten have deleted the message, the 1MB message then gets

Roady [MVP]

But the 1MB counts for every mailbox when it comes to mailbox quota, right?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

Exchange stores this as a single 1MB file with 10 pointers to it within a
single storage group. It's called Single Instance Storage.

The 1MB file will get deleted when all the pointers are deleted. That is,
purged from deleted items and expired past deleted item retention periods if
implemented server-side.

William Lefkovics

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

So - use a hyperlink. Insert File | drop down the arrow beside the Insert
button and select Hyperlink. Of course only works when everyone has access
to the same drive.


Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

William Lefkovics said:
Certainly, yes.

Roady said:
But the 1MB counts for every mailbox when it comes to mailbox quota,

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

Roady [MVP]

That option is not always available for every message format or e-mail

With Word as the e-mail editor I use Insert-> Hyperlink directly ;-)

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

So - use a hyperlink. Insert File | drop down the arrow beside the Insert
button and select Hyperlink. Of course only works when everyone has access
to the same drive.


Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

William Lefkovics said:
Certainly, yes.

Roady said:
But the 1MB counts for every mailbox when it comes to mailbox quota,

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

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