Keep your queries as simple and generic as possible. Do all the
calculations, concatenations, etc in the report. First, you can possible
I've tended to do more work in the queries exactly for the first
reason. If there are lots of custom calcs, then the query can and
should be re-used for additional queries and additional reports. If I
do a lot of calcs in one report, then formula maintenance if
problematical across reports.
reuse the query and more important, execution is much faster when done at the
report level. Doing the work at the query level increases your network
I've noticed that queries will take time in a batch to generate the
results. Whilst reports tend to calculate on a page by page basis,
prolonging the "agony" of completing the job.
At the end of the day, all the data has to be calculated, the queries
do it in a batch, the report does it in a dribbling way.
Do you have any doco and stats on the effects?