Electronic Signatures



We have an inter-departmental form that gets signed
before being passed on. Is there a way using Word (Office
XP) to electronically sign this document so it can be
emailed as opposed to passing around a piece of paper. I
checked into certificates but there is no visual evidence
on the document of an actual signature.

Thanks for your help, Jon

John Ski

Subject: Electronic Signatures
From: "Jon" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 2/2/2004 2:27 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

We have an inter-departmental form that gets signed
before being passed on. Is there a way using Word (Office
XP) to electronically sign this document so it can be
emailed as opposed to passing around a piece of paper. I
checked into certificates but there is no visual evidence
on the document of an actual signature.

Thanks for your help, Jon
Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but I have scanned my
signature to a jpg file and just insert it in docs requiring my signature, such
as reports, letters, etc. I wouldn't use it for something requiring a legal
signature, like a deed for instance, but for normal things that aren't gonna'
end up in court...

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***


Remember that an electronic signature is just as legally binding as an authentic "ink" signature.


Also if emailing you can set up a digital sig in OL, see OL help for details

Rob said:
Remember that an electronic signature is just as legally binding as an
authentic "ink" signature.

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