Electronic Timesheets for Project Server?



Anyone run across any microsoft vendors who may have an electronic timesheet
entry add-in?

Someone in manufacturing asked if there were any capabilities around card
swiping or barcode reading where shop floor labor/time could be
electronically added to Project Server timesheets since the shop floor
doesn't have access to computers or even network ids.

Currently, we are just manually keying in to Project server from paper

If anyone has any ideas or know of any vendors who might have a solution(s)

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi TroyS,

I have been waiting so see if anyone responds to this request. It doesnt
look like you are going to be lucky with this one :)

I do know of a timecapture facility that will allow you to automatically
capture time based on the task that you work. It is called RealTimeTracker
for Microsoft Project Server 2003/2007.
Check out this link:

I have been working with their products in the past and have had great
experience with them, regarding the tools and the support they provide.

I know its a long shot, but maybe this would do the job for you.
Best of luck

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