NephUser via AccessMonster.com
I am working a database that houses patient lab records and Medicial record
numbers. Some of the data needs to come to from a website that deals with the
processing of labs. My managing doctor would like the data from the website
to electronically tranfer in to the database, maybe by some kind of update
function that the user starts each day or each week. Is this possible to
create in Access??? I have tried the HTML wizard with no luck and have tried
to use the data in the tables as part of a Access Webpage and had some issues
with codes, any other solutions?
All help would be greatly apprechiated......

numbers. Some of the data needs to come to from a website that deals with the
processing of labs. My managing doctor would like the data from the website
to electronically tranfer in to the database, maybe by some kind of update
function that the user starts each day or each week. Is this possible to
create in Access??? I have tried the HTML wizard with no luck and have tried
to use the data in the tables as part of a Access Webpage and had some issues
with codes, any other solutions?
All help would be greatly apprechiated......