Eliminate duplicate records

  • Thread starter vincentt via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

vincentt via AccessMonster.com

Hi all,

I have FORM link to a QUERY, which I could choose the criteria for searching,
however, hinder by 1 field. The query code as follow:

SELECT DISTINCT studentinfo.sid, studentinfo.slname, order.orderid, wat.
pcfprint, receipt.paid
FROM studentinfo INNER JOIN ([order] INNER JOIN (watusa INNER JOIN receipt ON
wat.orderid=receipt.orderid) ON (order.orderid=wat.orderid) AND (order.
orderid=receipt.orderid)) ON studentinfo.sid=order.sid;

Since in the table of RECEIPT, it might have several RECEIPT NO for 1 ORDER,
some of them may have PAID or UNPAID.

If I specify the SEARCH PAID or UNPAID, it would not have problem, however,
If I perform the search without concerning being PAID or UNPAID, it would
comes out 2 records, with same ORDERID, but 1 is PAID and other UNPAID.

For me, it is a DUPLICATE record, since I only need to SEARCH other Criteria,
e.g. wat.pcfprint = false without concerning PAID or UNPAID.

Could anyone help, how to eliminate the duplicate, instead only show either

Thanks in advance!!!!!

vincentt via AccessMonster.com

Additional Info, the RECEIPT.PAID field is TRUE or FALSE field, so I could
not use MAX or MIN for it.

John Spencer

You can use FIRST or LAST or MAX or MIN. True/False fields are stored as -1
or 0.

SELECT studentinfo.sid
, studentinfo.slname
, order.orderid
, wat.pcfprint
, Min(receipt.paid) as PayState
FROM studentinfo INNER JOIN ([order] INNER JOIN
(watusa INNER JOIN receipt ON
wat.orderid=receipt.orderid) ON (order.orderid=wat.orderid)
AND (order.orderid=receipt.orderid)) ON studentinfo.sid=order.sid
GROUP BY studentinfo.sid
, studentinfo.slname
, order.orderid
, wat.pcfprint

If the display format of PayState is important to you then you can apply a
format to it where you are using it.

vincentt via AccessMonster.com

Thanks! You are brilliant!!! (or I am too....)

John said:
You can use FIRST or LAST or MAX or MIN. True/False fields are stored as -1
or 0.

SELECT studentinfo.sid
, studentinfo.slname
, order.orderid
, wat.pcfprint
, Min(receipt.paid) as PayState
FROM studentinfo INNER JOIN ([order] INNER JOIN
(watusa INNER JOIN receipt ON
wat.orderid=receipt.orderid) ON (order.orderid=wat.orderid)
AND (order.orderid=receipt.orderid)) ON studentinfo.sid=order.sid
GROUP BY studentinfo.sid
, studentinfo.slname
, order.orderid
, wat.pcfprint

If the display format of PayState is important to you then you can apply a
format to it where you are using it.
Additional Info, the RECEIPT.PAID field is TRUE or FALSE field, so I could
not use MAX or MIN for it.

vincentt via AccessMonster.com

I have tried it, it works fine to eliminate the duplicates. It is good when I
choose EITHER in the CRITERIA. However, if the SEARCH CRITERIA for the field
is FALSE, then the record will disappear, since it has been eliminated.

Any suggestion for it? Should I use another query or change the SQL when I
could TRUE or FALSE?

I need to pay more effort on it...


John said:
You can use FIRST or LAST or MAX or MIN. True/False fields are stored as -1
or 0.

SELECT studentinfo.sid
, studentinfo.slname
, order.orderid
, wat.pcfprint
, Min(receipt.paid) as PayState
FROM studentinfo INNER JOIN ([order] INNER JOIN
(watusa INNER JOIN receipt ON
wat.orderid=receipt.orderid) ON (order.orderid=wat.orderid)
AND (order.orderid=receipt.orderid)) ON studentinfo.sid=order.sid
GROUP BY studentinfo.sid
, studentinfo.slname
, order.orderid
, wat.pcfprint

If the display format of PayState is important to you then you can apply a
format to it where you are using it.
Additional Info, the RECEIPT.PAID field is TRUE or FALSE field, so I could
not use MAX or MIN for it.

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