Eliminate prompts


J Michel

When I run my macro which makes a few tables and apends to
a table, I get the standard warnings like you are about to
delete a table or you are about to append records. These
require input to proceed. Can this be eliminated? Maybe
with a sendkeys command?

If so what would the command be?


use the macro action SetWarnings. suggest you read up on it in Help before
using. also, fyi, while warnings turned off in a macro are automatically
turned back on at the end of the macro - warnings turned off using VBA have
to also be turned back on using VBA, the system won't do it automatically.

Sandra Daigle

You can use SetWarnings and turn warnings off - just be sure to turn them
back on before the macro ends.

J Michel

Thank you!
-----Original Message-----
use the macro action SetWarnings. suggest you read up on it in Help before
using. also, fyi, while warnings turned off in a macro are automatically
turned back on at the end of the macro - warnings turned off using VBA have
to also be turned back on using VBA, the system won't do it automatically.


J Michel

Thank you!
-----Original Message-----
You can use SetWarnings and turn warnings off - just be sure to turn them
back on before the macro ends.

Sandra Daigle
[Microsoft Access MVP]
For the benefit of others please post all replies to this newsgroup.

J said:
When I run my macro which makes a few tables and apends to
a table, I get the standard warnings like you are about to
delete a table or you are about to append records. These
require input to proceed. Can this be eliminated? Maybe
with a sendkeys command?

If so what would the command be?



If setwarnings is set to yes then warnings are turned on. What you wan
to do is set warnings off (to no). If you are using a macro you can d
this just before or after running any query so you can turn them bac
on for a query and turn them off for the next


If setwarnings is set to yes then warnings are turned on. What you wan
to do is set warnings off (to no). If you are using a macro you can d
this just before or after running any query so you can turn them bac
on for a query and turn them off for the next


If setwarnings is set to yes then warnings are turned on. What you wan
to do is set warnings off (to no). If you are using a macro you can d
this just before or after running any query so you can turn them bac
on for a query and turn them off for the next

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