Eliminate Taskbar updates


Otto Moehrbach

Excel 2007 Win 7 64-bit
I don't know if "Taskbar" is the proper term. I mean the bar at the bottom
of the screen that displays the icons and names of all open files.
I have some code that opens multiple files, one at a time, copies/pastes,
and closes the files. I set ScreenUpdating so that nothing is jumping on
the main screen. However, the "taskbar" is, of course, jumping around. Is
there a way to freeze that bar by code? Thanks for your time. Otto


Try the following;

Check the code and comment out any lines that start with
Application.statusbar = [something]

At the top of you code, add:
Application.statusbar = " "
At the end of your code, add:
Application.statusbar = False

Note: if your code errors out or does not complete for any reason, your
statusbar will remain blank until you provide the application.statusbar =
False either through the immediate window, or a separate short sub just for
this purpose (or closing and re-opening excel)

This is how I deal with the situation I think you are describing in
Excel2003, and would expect it to work the same way in 2007.


Peter T

You shouldn't really see anything jumping around in the task bar.
Or, maybe look at this (in XL97-2003)

Tools, Options, View, Windows in taskbar - uncheck

search help for similar in xl2007

Peter T

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