Eliminating Nulls



I need to eliminate nulls in my tables in order to perform
calculations. I am currently creating a new column in my
queries and using the following type of query.

ExceptionSum: IIf(IsNull([ExcpSum]),0,[ExcpSum])

The problem is that it becomes cumberson when I have many
fields that require this procedure.

How can I use VB to perform this task for an entire table
instead of long-winded querries?

Sandra Daigle

Try using the Nz function instead, just embed it within your calcuation:

Z: nz([ExcpSum],0)*[Field2])

If you *always* convert nulls to zero (hence the nulls have no meaning) just
set the default value of the fields to 0 instead of null and then run an
update query on the table to convert all null to 0. Only do this if you are
not ever distinguishing between z null and a zero. Otherwise, use the Nz

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