Eliminating save changes to template message box


Stephen English

I have a template called Report.dot. When users create a document from it
and then close the document, it asks if they want to save changes to the
document and then if they want to save changes to template. The answer is no
but I would like to stop it asking the question - "Do you want to save
changes to Report.dot"
Word XP
Any ideas please?

Jason Eacott

This sounds familiar,
make sure when you save report.dot that your normal.dot is not altered.
try deleting your normal.dot
then opening report.dot and resaving it.

I've found this can occur because on machines other than yours when your
report.dot is opened
word thinks that because the normal.dot that it was based on has changed
that your report.dot has changed also.

hope this helps.


Hi Jason,
thank you for your explanation, I have been wondering about this for a few
months also.

I solved this by marking the global template in question as .saved = true
whenever I caused a change to, for example, a toolbar (show/hide) and it has
helped in most cases.


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