


useing code that follows have tried to have code call copycomp sometimes will
also code changes all entries to 0 not sure where to go stumped. Think there
should be a way to use elseif. Tried to no avail. Want column to be as code
calls for. Have 3 calls befor this one that work fine.

If Target.Column = 12 And Target.Value <= 0 And IsNumeric(Target.Value) Then _
Call Copycomp(Target) 'do this then'_

If Target.Column = (12) <= 0 Then _
Target.Value = 0
If Target.Column = (12) >= 10 Then _
Target.Value = 10
' End If
' If Target.Column = (12) And Target.Value < 10 Then
' Target.Value = 10
' If Target.Column = 12 And Target.Value <= 0 Then _
' Target.Value = 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
' End If

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