Email a "suitcase" so recip can fill and send back (e.g., w/exe)

  • Thread starter Sheila Shovlin (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • Start date

Sheila Shovlin (Pittsburgh, PA)

Tech support groups such as ours have a difficult time getting files sent
back from customers if special files are involved (such as *.exe). Most
firewalls block these even when they are in a zip file. The procedure has to
be rename the extention, then zip the file, then send it. It would be great
if Outlook had the concept of a "suitcase" that tech support could email a
customer and say "drag and drop your files into this suitcase then email it
back to me" and that "suitcase" could act as a sort of zip file or protective
encasement that the sender will automatically trust the same way a
certificate is trusted. There could be a timeout concept on this suitcase so
it can't be picked up years from now and reused for some kind of virus

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Simon Jones [MSDL]

This could be achieved if Outlook automatically trusted all attachments which
were signed and encrypted with digital certificates.

User A would digitially sign a message and send it to User B. User B copies
User A's address to their Contacts folder (this imports User A's public key
from the signature). User B can now send messages to User A encrypted with
User A's public key so only User A can read them. User B signs the message
with their private key so User A can be sure the message came from User B.

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