FYI, this is a forum for MS Access, a database program from Microsoft.
Obviously by this post, you found a way to access the newsgroup, my
suggestion is to look through the newsgroup list and find a more appropriate
one to help you. This may be a newsgroup for the software application you
are using for your email i.e. Outlook Express, Eudora, etc.
That said, accessing your email away from your main computer really depends
on who your email provider is (i.e. usually your ISP, but not necessarily).
Some ISP's allow their subscribers to access their email via a browser (i.e.
Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.) which means any computer in the world
with an internet connection can be used to access your email. Other ISP's
require you to install their software along with specific configuration
settings you would need to make.
Bottom line is your email service provider would be the best source of
Immanuel Sibero