Email action button



Can I create an Action Button that will compose a new email from lotus notes
and pre fill the subject and body and send to a pre designated email address.

Glen Millar


You could start it by a hyperlink from an object. Set it as an email address
and a subject. It would look something like this:

mailto: [email address]?subject=[your subject]

But in all seriousness, you need vba!


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at

glen at pptworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint / Windows version,
whether you are using vba, or
anything else relevant


Thank you for your post. However After reading the dsecriptions I am not
sure that is my answer. I am looking to generate an email to someone with a
subject (which a link does just fine) but I also want to prepopulate the Body
of that email and have it send with out the user having to do anything.

Echo S

Bradley said:
Can I create an Action Button that will compose a new email from lotus
and pre fill the subject and body and send to a pre designated email

So, basically, from a PPT show, you want the user to click a button and have
an email form pop up?

You can right-click the button, choose hyperlink or action setting, and in
the Hyperlink To dropdown select URL. type in mailto:email@address (example

I don't know how you'd fill in the subject and message body, though.

David M. Marcovitz

Bill Foley ( has some VBA that does this. The problem
is that the code is email-client specific. I know he has it work in
Outlook, but I'm not surewhat other email apps he has it for.

David M. Marcovitz
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

Echo S

Echo S said:
I don't know how you'd fill in the subject and message body, though.

Oh, big fat DUH here!

Select an object, choose Insert|Hyperlink, and in the Hyperlink dialog box,
choose Email clear down on the lower left. You can fill in the address and
subject there. (Still no message body, though.)

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