Hi Jay,
You'd need to use an ordinary text field, not a hyperlink field, and a
form to display the data. And I'd use the double-click rather than the
click, or editing the field could be difficult!
Something like this (untested air code!) in the event procedure would do
the trick. txtEmail is the name of the textbox bound to the Email field:
If Len(Me.txtEmail.Value) > 0 Then 'ignore empty fields
FollowHyperlink "mailto:" & Me.txtEmail.Value
End If
I have had this issue arise before, and I even though I do not know how to
accomplish it code wise, I would think that prepending or adding the
"mailto:" to the field when it was clicked on would be much more elegant.
Getting someone to type the "mailto:" before every email address or even
seeing it in the field is distracting to the user...
What would be the best way to accomplish this?
John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]
Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.