Mike Dol
I have my own domain
When leaving my email address on boards like this I use a
unique email address such as "(e-mail address removed)"
recently I have recieved 6 virus attacks with the email
address unique to this board.
BEWARE someone is targetting email address on this board
and maybe others
MS have replied with ... get a life and a get a virus
checker, fair enough, however the email address is a
required field ??!!.
I figure prevention is better than cure, so be warned
don't leave your address here unless you want(..more)
virus attacks.
Mike Dol
When leaving my email address on boards like this I use a
unique email address such as "(e-mail address removed)"
recently I have recieved 6 virus attacks with the email
address unique to this board.
BEWARE someone is targetting email address on this board
and maybe others
MS have replied with ... get a life and a get a virus
checker, fair enough, however the email address is a
required field ??!!.
I figure prevention is better than cure, so be warned
don't leave your address here unless you want(..more)
virus attacks.
Mike Dol