Email arrives that cannot be viewed



Every now and then our users may receive an email that they cannot open or
view in the reading pane - errors include "Message with restricted
permissions cannot be viewed in reading pane until you verify credentials.
Open item to read contents"....however can't open the item, also get "Unknown
Error" when trying to open.

It seems the emails are corrupted when we receive them. We run Outlook
2002/2003 with an Exchange 2003 Server.

Could the problem be our end or when the email is sent??


I am having the same problem. Except I can not view any mail in the view
pain just get the message ""Message with restricted
permissions cannot be viewed in reading pane until you verify credentials.
Open item to read contents".... and of course I can not open the mail.

frustrated with Outlook 2003

same thing has just started happening to me...
except there is no error message at all.

pane is just blank.


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