Email Count



Is is possible when selecting only certain emails in a folder, and I'm
talking a couple of hundred out of thousands, to get the count without having
to count manually? I know the number in the bottom left of screen shows the
total emails in that folder and I was hoping when selecting the individual
emails that number would change but that isn't the case.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Andee39,

That's actually one of the features I've wanted in Outlook for a while.
In Outlook 2007 you can sort of get it by doing a search that captures just
the items you want to count. The status bar will reflect the number of items
found by the search.

Come to think of it you MIGHT be able to get the same result in Outlook 2003,
but the search in 2007 is so much faster that it's practical to use it that
way regularly.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


I thought of a quick fix - with no other new messages in folder, select
emails to count and mark as unread. You will see count in parenthesis next
to folder.
Thanks again for your assistance!

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