email deletes content.



I've been trying to get this solved on various forums. Outlook 2007
continues to not send pictures or content when I forward a message. I get the
windat thing and some links. But the content disappears.
I have followed the security settings to allow for all content to go, and
disabled the automatic download stuff to see if that works. To no avail.
When I forward to myself it does not even come back.
Any suggestions?


I seem to be having this same problem. When you forward or reply do you loose
everything sometimes, like backgrounds, pic, link?? I have tried uninstalling
and reinstalling and that didn't work. I just posted a discussion on here to
see how to restore all defualt settings with out losing my contacts. Have you
recieved any responces to your question yet?? Maybe we can share what ever we
find out with each other. Its driving me crazy!!!

Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]

"Windat thing" you mean you get an attachment named Winmail.dat?
That's usually due to selecting Microsoft Rich Text Format for your default
email format. RTF is only understood by Outlook, all other email clients
either get a winmail.dat attachment that can't be opened, or they get no
attachment at all. The fix is to use either Plain Text or HTML for the
default message format.
OL2002: Attachments Are Not Visible to Some Recipients When You Use TNEF
OL2002: How Message Formats Affect Internet Mail
OL2000: (CW) Winmail.dat Attachments Included in Received Messages
OL2000: Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) Basics

Decoder programs to read a WINMAIL.DAT file are here:
Decoder Tools

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Live at Hot Licks -


I've tried setting the security low and chaning to HTML, I'll try the plain
text and see if that helps. Somehow my courage is low on this one.


I tried chaning the setting to Plain Text and HTML. Even allowed Outlook to
send as Plain text and all I get is the windat and a series of links below
the text of the message, like something is removing al the formatting. Must
be some little tweak needed here.

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