Email files using macro


David Fernandes

I would like to email multiple files to multiple users using a macro.
I have created a macro that can send one file to multiple users using
a default mesaage, but am having difficulty sending more than one file
to more than one user. In addition, part of the the file name changes
each (the date element, the prefix / ext stay the same. Ideally, I
would like to incorporate a subject and a message for the email
besides attaching the file/s.
Here is the current macro which includes a progress bar and a subject
but no message:

Sub ProgressBar3(Msg1 As String, PctDone1 As Single)
With ProgressDlg3
.lblMessage.Caption = Msg1
.lblDone.Width = PctDone1 * (.lblRemain.Width - 2)
.lblPct.Caption = Format(PctDone1, "0%")
'.lblMessage2.Caption = Msg2
'.lblDone2.Width = PctDone2 * (.lblRemain2.Width - 2)
'.lblPct2.Caption = Format(PctDone2, "0%")
End With
'The DoEvents statement is responsible for the form updating
End Sub
Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim email(20) As String 'initialize the array to 20 rather than
bothering to code a redim later
Dim x As Integer
Dim p As Integer, totP As Integer, totE As Integer
Application.DisplayAlerts = True ' Turns ON
display alerts
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' Turns ON
screen updating
Application.StatusBar = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Cells(1, 3) 'set the file you want to send

totE = 1
'load address array from spreadsheet
While Cells(totE, 1) <> ""
email(totE) = Cells(totE, 1)
'MsgBox "loaded " & totE & " as " & Cells(totE, 1)
totE = totE + 1

Load ProgressDlg3
ProgressDlg3.Show vbModeless

e = 1
totP = 14 ' number of pictures in animation
p = 0
On Error Resume Next ' ignore error if pictures are not found
ProgressDlg3.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path &
"\mail" & p & ".gif")
On Error GoTo 0
ProgressDlg3.Caption = "Sending e-mail"
For e = 1 To totE - 1
p = p + 1
If p > totP Then p = 1
On Error Resume Next ' ignore error if pictures are not
ProgressDlg3.Image1.Picture =
LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\mail" & p & ".gif")
On Error GoTo 0
If e Mod 1 = 0 Then
ProgressBar3 email(p), e / totE
End If
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:=email(e),
Subject:="Data File"
Next e
Unload ProgressDlg3
MsgBox e - 1 & " emails sent", vbInformation

Workbooks("data.xls").Close SaveChanges:=True ' Saves & Closes
Windows("datafile.xls").Activate ' Switch Window &
Return to
Sheets("Macro Control").Select ' Macro Contol Tab

End Sub


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks In advance..


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