Email format changing when moving to next cell



I have an excel spreadsheet I created for when we get a new customer. The
user opens the protected sheet and enters info by tabbing from cell to cell.
I have changed the format of the email address cell to be Arial Narrow and
bold, when I enter info and tab or enter out of that field the formatting
changes to Arial and unbolded. How can I keep the format I want instead of
what excel wants to default to?

Thanks for the help!

Kat in WI


I have an excel spreadsheet I created for when we get a new customer. The
user opens the protected sheet and enters info by tabbing from cell to cell.
I have changed the format of the email address cell to be Arial Narrow and
bold, when I enter info and tab or enter out of that field the formatting
changes to Arial and unbolded. How can I keep the format I want instead of
what excel wants to default to?

Sounds like you have a Conditional Format set. Do you? If so, unset
it and it will allow the underlying format to remain after the user
leaves the cell.

If you don't have one, and want to take the chicken's way out, just
set one to be Arial Narrow and bold.


Gord Dibben


When entering email addresses, Excel generally defaults to blue underlined
standard font to show hyperlinks.

Go to Tools>Autocorrect options>Autoformat as you type and uncheck the "internet
and network paths with hyperlinks"

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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