Jerry B
Newbie to infopath using info 2003, sp1. I have a submit button that I will
use to send to e-mail. My question is it is distributed to approx 45 people.
Do I have to enter each address into the (to) field manually, or can I create
a group with the addresses in and have infopath look it up. I hoped that I
would be able to access the outlook addres book on the network for this
Newbie to infopath using info 2003, sp1. I have a submit button that I will
use to send to e-mail. My question is it is distributed to approx 45 people.
Do I have to enter each address into the (to) field manually, or can I create
a group with the addresses in and have infopath look it up. I hoped that I
would be able to access the outlook addres book on the network for this