email hyperlink in word


marilyn l

I am sending a survey to an address list and I want the recipients to return
the completed survey by clicking a hyperlink. Is this achievable in word?

marilyn l

The intention is for the respondent to the email to click the hyperlink
within the word document without having to email and attach the document.
Trying to make life easy for the respondents.

Tony Jollans

Yes, but what is the Word document for? You can put a hyperlink within the
body of an e-mail, which would be even easier for the respondents.

I don't know what your environment is. Are you dealing with the big wide
world, or are you on a corporate network, Is your hyperlink to a web address
or a file on a network. If it's a file, and you do decide to use a Word
document, you will need to make sure the hyperlink works for your
recipients - and that it is not relative to your local copy of the document.


marilyn l said:
The intention is for the respondent to the email to click the hyperlink
within the word document without having to email and attach the document.
Trying to make life easy for the respondents.

Tony Jollans

Seems I was being particularly dense there - I was thinking the hyperlink
was to the survey.

I guess the answer, in that case, is no, probably not.

If you;re in a corporate environment, maybe an Outlook Form is more the kind
of thing you need here - but I know next to nothing about them. Otherwise I
don't think you can easily improve on File > Send To > Mail Recipient.

marilyn l

Thank you both for your help. Yes, the survey is the word document. It is
roughly 5 pages in length and contains tick boxes etc. It is going to a
group of school alumni, so it needs to be able to be completed and returned
from different environments. I was hoping the hyperlink would cover the
reply email and attaching the document, but it would appear the recipients
will just have to attach the document which is what I was trying to avoid.
Even though it is a simple task, I can't be sure they all have the
appropriate skills.

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