Email Hyperlink



I have a hyperlink field in a table. On the user form I
want the user to be able to click the hyperlink and have
Outlook open a new email with that address in it. I posted
yesterday and got a response that in the field it should
say MailTo:[email protected]. This works great, thank
you. Now I want to prevent the user from entering MailTo
preceeding the email address. I tried to set an input mask
but the link just does not work. Thanks in advance for
your help. These newsgroups have never failed me :)

Wayne Morgan

In the AfterUpdate event of the control bound to the email field try
something like:

If Left(Me.txtEmail, 7) <> "MailTo:" And Nz(Me.txtEmail, "") <> "" Then
Me.txtEmail = "MailTo:" & Me.txtEmail
End If

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