Email Icons Are Missing


Robert T


I work at a govt. agency and we use an Exchange Server for Outlook 2003. One
of my co-workers asked me a question related to email and I told her to look
at the email icons and tried to explain what they mean. However, she didn't
have any email icons!!!! I had to look at her inbox several times to confirm
the email icons were actually missing.

I tried doing online research but I can't find a thing about this issue.
I've never seen anyone who doesn't have an email icon next to their messages.

Any thoughts?

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

you can show a wide range of fields in each view of Outlook. In the Inbox
they have probably accidentally thrown a field off the grey column header
bar so it's now hiding. Put it back there. I use the Field Chooser from
the Advanced Toolbar. It will be the Field called ICON I think. You show
the Field Chooser, then drag the field up beside the other ones (Subject


Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

There are various articles about using Outlook here:
Canberra, Australia

Duncan McC


I work at a govt. agency and we use an Exchange Server for Outlook 2003. One
of my co-workers asked me a question related to email and I told her to look
at the email icons and tried to explain what they mean. However, she didn't
have any email icons!!!! I had to look at her inbox several times to confirm
the email icons were actually missing.

I tried doing online research but I can't find a thing about this issue.
I've never seen anyone who doesn't have an email icon next to their messages.

Any thoughts?

Bit bizarre. Check for malware, viruses etc, but may not be that at all
of course.

You don't mention the platform she's running on, but for XP P, try
Powertoys from MS (Powertoys for Windows XP, TweakUI). It has a function
to restore 'default' icons n' stuff.

Brian Tillman

Robert T said:
I work at a govt. agency and we use an Exchange Server for Outlook
2003. One of my co-workers asked me a question related to email and I
told her to look at the email icons and tried to explain what they
mean. However, she didn't have any email icons!!!! I had to look at
her inbox several times to confirm the email icons were actually

The simplest answer is that she removed the Icon column from the header
line. Either reset the view or use the Field Chooser to add it back.

Robert T

Judy and Everyone Else Who Replied:

Thanks so much. Yes, we use Windows XP. I'm not in the office today,
however, when I return to work Monday, I will try your excellent suggestions.


Robert T

I don't know why she lost her email icons but you guys gave me the correct
solution. I went to the Menu Bar and

1. View
2. Arrange By
3. Current View
4. Customize Current View
5. Added the Icon Field

Thanks again,

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

If you use the Field Chooser you can save half those clicks. Try it, it's
on the Advanced Toolbar where most of Outlook's power functions are hidden


Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

There are various articles about using Outlook here:
Canberra, Australia

Duncan McC

If you use the Field Chooser you can save half those clicks. Try it, it's
on the Advanced Toolbar where most of Outlook's power functions are hidden

Heh, never spotted it there. Is that new in the toolbar in Outlook
2007? Same with Rules & Alerts, I didn't that was on the Outlook 2003
advanced menu either. I think it's a better layout, I don't have it
turned on in Outlook 2007 - shame they didn't put the Group By button in
the Standard menu, it's the only one I miss.

Field Chooser though, I've always just right clicked in any part of the
column header, and picked Field Chooser.

Robert T

Hi Judy:

Outlook 2003

I tried using the Field Chooser and didn't see the same screen I saw using
the Menu Bar. I saw a list of fields and couldn't find the one I was looking
for [ICON]. And then if I could have found it, I wouldn't know what to do.
However, using the Menu Bar brought up a nifty view of all the fields and
made it very easy to add the ICON field to the InBox.

In terms of Duncan's suggestion, when I click on the Column Header, I do not
see Field Chooser as an option.


Brian Tillman

Robert T said:
I tried using the Field Chooser and didn't see the same screen I saw
using the Menu Bar. I saw a list of fields and couldn't find the one
I was looking for [ICON]. And then if I could have found it, I
wouldn't know what to do. However, using the Menu Bar brought up a
nifty view of all the fields and made it very easy to add the ICON
field to the InBox.

In terms of Duncan's suggestion, when I click on the Column Header, I
do not see Field Chooser as an option.

RIght-click the column header. The context menu will contain "Field

Robert T

Hello Brian:

I repeatedly tried right-clicking the column heading and I did NOT see
"Field Chooser" among any of the optons in Outlook 2003.


Brian Tillman said:
Robert T said:
I tried using the Field Chooser and didn't see the same screen I saw
using the Menu Bar. I saw a list of fields and couldn't find the one
I was looking for [ICON]. And then if I could have found it, I
wouldn't know what to do. However, using the Menu Bar brought up a
nifty view of all the fields and made it very easy to add the ICON
field to the InBox.

In terms of Duncan's suggestion, when I click on the Column Header, I
do not see Field Chooser as an option.

RIght-click the column header. The context menu will contain "Field

Duncan McC

Hello Brian:

I repeatedly tried right-clicking the column heading and I did NOT see
"Field Chooser" among any of the optons in Outlook 2003.


Yer *sure* about that?

I right clicked at the top left corner of the context menu (that's why
it popped up there, ie in the Subject column header)...

That context menu is the same in Outlook 2003, IIRC.

Brian Tillman

Robert T said:
I repeatedly tried right-clicking the column heading and I did NOT see
"Field Chooser" among any of the optons in Outlook 2003.

Clearly you are clicking in the wrong place or with the wrong view showing.
What DO you see in the context menu?

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