EMail Introduction not transmitting



I use the instruction section of the email data connection to tell users what
to do with the form. All of my forms were developed in IP 2003 and
everything worked well.

We are testing an Office 2007 rollout and what I find is that when using
2007, the introduction does not transmit even though it shows in the pop up
when the mail is being sent.

I even went back and resaved the 2003 form as a 2007 template and same "no
introduction" issue.

I then created a new form in 2007 and the introduction transmitted correctly.

Does anyone have any knowledge about a problem with 2003 to 2007 upgrades
and this issue?

Swathi (GGK Tech)


Once modify the email data connection and try. Some settings are different
from IP 2003 to IP 2007.


We actually found the issue

There is a fault in IP 2007 that will not allow you to switch views in an
email data connection. Microsoft has admitted this fault even though the
wizard allows you to change the views.

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