I think so.
I was looking for a way to open in a new tab a few months ago...I'm told it
can't be done.
| Thanks. I hope that was what the OP was talking about.
| DavidF
| | > You can't control tabs.
| >
| >
| > | > | If you are talking about opening links in a new tab in a browser, not
| > sure
| > | how to go about that. However you can code links to open in a new
| > window,
| > | and perhaps if you play with that you can accomplish what you want.
| > |
| > | Reference: Create a hyperlink in Publisher that opens in a new window:
| > |
| > |
| > | And if you choose to use the ECMAScript code approach note that the
| > first
| > | javascript code snippet is incorrect on the website. Use this instead:
| > |
| > | <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function
| > | Name, Features) { window.open(Url, Name, Features); }</script>
| > |
| > | DavidF
| > |
| > | | > | >I am developing an email newsletter and would like to use tabs for
| > various
| > | > topics instead of links? Any ideas? Many thanks for your time.
| > |
| > |
| >
| >