Email Notifications are Terrible...Difficult to find post



I love this website but have one HUGE gripe that's been bugging me for a
long time.

I just received 2 email notifications that I had responses, so I click on the

Hyperlink: "Read and rate the response"

All it does is send me to the forum but doesn't direct me to my post.

And for some reason, now I can't even find the post even when I search on
keywords in the subject.... Below is the subject. If anyone can find it,
plesae let me know where it's at.

Microsoft Community Notification - Can I update User Form CheckMark without
running _Click code...?

So far I tried: Click , CheckMark, User Form CheckMark

I'd recommend a feature that allows us to filter by Display Name or
something that will help us find our posts.

Thanks for any help!


This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


In Google Groups I would search on MikeZz then sort news by date. Most
people have some sort of unique name and I find that the most reliable
search string.



Hi Keith,

I checked in the profile and the only list of posts are the ones I
subscribed to. If I'm in a hurry and forget to check the subscribe box, it
doesn't show up.

If I forget to manually put my name at the bottom, I can't find the post
with general search.

Am I looking in the wrong place then?


are your cookies enabled for google?????
don't think it makes a difference, but.....

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