email notifications not working in Project Web Access



Hi all,

I am trying to setup my email notifications in PWA but there has been a
problem. I have setup my project server (hoprfully correctly), the SMTP
mailing add is correct and I have also made the required changes in the
security settings. The virus scan software is not blocking the mailing
process. But when I define a new issue or change a task I dont receive an
email notification although I have made the required settings in PWA. Can
anyone please help me out with this?

Thanks in advance,

paul conroy

You need to configure outbound email in Central Admin (this is different to
the email settings in PWA)



Thanks Paul for your quick response. What do you exactly mean by configuring
the outbound email settings? (sorry I am new!)

Now there is another situation. I am the admin and web admin for both web
access and sharepoint and one of the group members is in the group of PM and
executives. Now if I edit a project of task he receives the email
notification but I dont. I am sure I have set up my notifications correctly
in web access and sharepoint. But even he does not receive the notifications
for issues. Any suggestions?



central admin = Share Point Central Administration?? or anything else
I sat down with my administrator and checked out the Share Point Central
Administration URL but there was just a page for default email setting
nothing especially for outgoing emails.

Thanks for your patience


Hi Paul,

I am using SharePoint 2003 (2.0). In the central admin of that I do not have
any operations tab. The only setting I have in there is the default email
settings, which lets me set the outbound email server, the mailing add,
reply-to add. I talked to my system admin about it and he says that
everything is set correctly. I am not exactly sure where do you have the
setting for enabling the outbound email in SharePoint 2003(2.0). Can you
please help me out with this.


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