This is the first time I have emailed pictures since I upgraded to Outlook
2007. The problem is I am no longer getting the menu as to what picture file
size I would like to send? It used to say (in Outlook 2002) , do you want to
send your pictures as small , medium or large files, or other options and you
could pick another option. Now, I am not getting any menu at all, so I had to
send all my pictures 1 by 1. (I didn't feel like going into my photo program
and reducing them individullay). Why am I not getting the send pictures size
option menu??? Thanks in advance!
2007. The problem is I am no longer getting the menu as to what picture file
size I would like to send? It used to say (in Outlook 2002) , do you want to
send your pictures as small , medium or large files, or other options and you
could pick another option. Now, I am not getting any menu at all, so I had to
send all my pictures 1 by 1. (I didn't feel like going into my photo program
and reducing them individullay). Why am I not getting the send pictures size
option menu??? Thanks in advance!