Email sent to multiple contacts not recd by recipients



I am currently using Outlook 2002. When I send an email to multiple contacts or email addresses, the message shows in my Sent folder, but the email is not received by the recipients. If I reply or send to just one contact or email address, the message is received. This occurs when I put multiple addresses in the To: box, and when using the CC or BCC. Any ideas?

Oliver Vukovics [Public Shareware]

Hi Sheri,

maybe you provider has a limitation of 5 emails per minte or any other
"limit" restriction?

Did you try the mail merge function with Outlook?

"How to use Outlook contacts with mail merge in Office Word 2002"

Maybe it helps.


The mail merge function is for merging the contact information into a word document. I am just trying to send an email to multiple contacts that are in my address book.
Thanks for the info.

Oliver Vukovics [Public Shareware]

Hi Sheri,
The mail merge function is for merging the contact information into a word


The mail merge function is a way to sent single emails to your contacts.
Word is only used as "Email Editor"

The Outlook Addressbook is a "filter" to your contact folder. If you would
delete a contact in your Contact folder is does not appear anymore in the
Outlook Addressbook.

Word will be used only as Email Editor instead of Outlook.

"I am just trying to send an email to multiple contacts that are in my
address book."

The best way to do this is with the mail merge function. We sent every month
to 30.000 users a newsletter with mail merge.

I would try it, because I am sure that it will work also for you.


OK. I tried using Word as my email editor, and it still will not send the email to multiple contacts. I have checked and double-checked all of my settings and I don't see anything that would limit the ability to send to multiple contacts.
Does anyone have any other ideas?? I don't understand why this is happening, am very frustrated. Any help is greatly appreciated!!


Sheri, I'm having the same problem in Outlook 2007. I can't send to multiple
email address in the same email. Help!


I'm also having the same issue. I've looked at everything, and I even
reloaded my software. Nothing fixed the issue. I did not have this problem
with Outlook Express. In order to fix it, I had to purchase "Send
personally". I should not have to buy additional software for Outlook to
work properly.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I'm also having the same issue. I've looked at everything, and I even
reloaded my software. Nothing fixed the issue. I did not have this
with Outlook Express. In order to fix it, I had to purchase "Send
personally". I should not have to buy additional software for Outlook to
work properly.

If the message moves to Sent Items then it DID get sent. Your outgoing mail
server accepted the message. Outlook is no longer in the picture. The
problem lies on the mail server, not in Outlook, and only your ISP can help
in that case.


My emails aren't displaying in the sent folder at all. They are in the
"Outbox" folder,and this only happens when I send an email to more than 10

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

My emails aren't displaying in the sent folder at all. They are in the
"Outbox" folder,and this only happens when I send an email to more than 10

Then you don't "have the same issue" as you said in your post. The original
poster said that the messages were moving from Outbox to Sent Items by the
recipients weren't getting them. When you post, please include an
_accurate_ description of your problem INCLUDING your Outlook version.

The first thing to do is to uninstall your antivirus program completely and
reinstall it without any email scanning features. You will still be just as
protected. Your AV program may be interfering. The next thing is to
increase your server timeout value on the Advanced tab of your account
properties. The next thing to try is starting Outlook in safe mode
(Start>Run, "outlook.exe /safe" in the Open field).

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