Email Template



Im sending numerous email to the same recepients, same
subject and content on a daily basis - I need to create
an email template to solve this problem but I can't seem
to find any information on it. Please help. Thanx.


greg mansius [MSFT]


What version of Outlook are you using? Also, if you are using Outlook 2000
are you running in Corporate Workgroup mode or Internet Mode? The Help -
About Microsoft Outlook dialog box will give you both pieces of information.


Greg Mansius [MSFT]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

dj said:
Thanx for that info - my Outlook doesn't have Saves as
type Outlook template (.oft). - do I need to install that?

Tried creating a template using a form - the Publish Form
As option is not available on the Tools menu on the email
I'm creating only on the main Outlook page and it gives
me the following two option:

Choose Form or Design form.

Choose Form doesnt have the option to "Publish Form As"
and "Publish"

Design Form - doesn't allow you to type in the subject
and recepients unless you create a text box and type the
info in - you also can't add your recepients email add.
Hope this helps. Thanx again.

-----Original Message-----

Please see if the following article helps.

258256 OL2000: How to Create an E-mail Message Template or an E-mail Message

Greg Mansius [MSFT]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

DJ said:
Im sending numerous email to the same recepients, same
subject and content on a daily basis - I need to create
an email template to solve this problem but I can't seem
to find any information on it. Please help. Thanx.



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