Email that Outlook 2007 Beta 2 can't handle

  • Thread starter Milhouse Van Houten
  • Start date

Milhouse Van Houten

Any of the HTML newsletters here:

Outlook strips them into unreadable, raw HTML (including putting the full
header at the top of the message). Also, the From/To/Subject fields are

But all my other HTML newsletters display fine (if verrrrry slowly), so it's
apparently something special that E! does.

Patrick Schmid

Hi Milhouse,

Can you forward a sample message as an attachment to me please? Open the
message, click other actions and then select forward as attachment. You
can get my email address from my website.


Patrick Schmid

Milhouse Van Houten

Sent, and thanks. If you see what the matter is, please post back, since
it's likely to be an issue with more than just these newsletters. Forgot to
mention before that Outlook 2003 doesn't have an issue, so it is tied to the

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