Emailed documents don't look right


Pat S.

Whenever I try to email a Word document with Outlook the email doesnt look
like the original. The text might be spaced out too much or overlapping.

Is there a way to send a document by email and have it retain all the
original appearances?


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
The appearance will depend on the recipient's printer driver; see

I can't believe that. Why on EARTH would a document's view depend on a
PRINTER driver? Who thought that one up? Is this another crazy example of MS
developers not communicating with each other? A PDF looks the same on any
machine, whether Windows, MAC or Linux. Why can't a Word document do the
same? (Obviously not on Linux. ;-) )

Suzanne S. Barnhill

As explained in the article, one of the original goals of Word for Windows
was to be as WYSIWYG as possible, especially in Print Preview. This is
possible only if the view represents what the user can expect to print on
the currently selected printer.


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
As explained in the article, one of the original goals of Word for Windows
was to be as WYSIWYG as possible, especially in Print Preview. This is
possible only if the view represents what the user can expect to print on
the currently selected printer.

OK I accept that the print preview view should depend on the printer drivers
installed, but the normal view shouldn't....

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Normal view is not especially WYSIWYG, but I suspect that when you say "the
normal view," you are referring to Print Layout view. Most users would
disagree since most are not accustomed to laying out pages in Print Preview;
if Print Layout view were not WYSIWYG, it would be impossible to lay out
complex pages with any confidence.


I would say: deal with it as a word document. Then save it normally, and
*attach* it to an email.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you sending it as an email or as an attachment? If you send as an
attachment, you will be sending the actual Word document. If you send it in
the body of the email, the formatting depends on your choice of default mail

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