emailing a table



Could anyone, IN LAYMAN'S TERMS-step by step,as if I was pretty clueles
about computers, tell me how to...

1.take a table, containing an email for each record, and send the sam
email to each.

2.Also,I need to be able to customize it so when I send a letter, eac
email has the specific name, address, etc. of each contact
(like a mail merge)

Tom is always so good about writing out each step so I understand.
Has anyone else experienced his communication skills-he's awesome

Tom Wickerath


How could I possibly resist posting a reply, after you buttered me up like that?

I'm going to suggest that you try using the Worldcast E-mail blaster. I just downloaded
it and was able to successfully blast a test message out to 4 e-mail addresses that were
in a small Access table. It took me about 5 minutes of work to do this for the first
time. There are certainly other methods of doing this, using Outlook or Outlook Express,
but these products can bring up the very annoying security alert depending on which
service packs you have installed of Office.

1.) Start by downloading and installing the Worldcast software (worldcst.exe):

2.) Export your table as a comma separated variable text file. You can also base your
export on a query. This will allow you to export only the necessary fields, such as
FirstName, LastName and EMailAddress. You can also use criteria to limit which records in
your table get exported.

Hint: You can create a calculated field to combine two fields into a single field. For
example, in query design view, enter the following for "Field":

FullName: [FirstName] & " " & [LastName]

where FirstName and LastName are the field names. If your field names are different, then
make the appropriate substitutions.

To export a table or query from Access, click on File > Export. Select the "Save as type"
dropdown and choose Text files (*.txt, *.csv, *.tab, *.asc) in the list. Choose the
defaults that are shown in the Export Text Wizard. In the second screen of the wizard, go
ahead and place a check mark in "Include Field Names on First Row".

3.) The Worldcast software includes a wizard that will help you get going. You'll have
to know your SMTP specification. If you are using Outlook Express, you can find this
information for your account by clicking on (in Outlook Express) Tools > Accounts...
Select your e-mail account, click on the Properties button, and then select the Servers
tab. Look for the line that reads "Outgoing Mail (SMTP)", and write the information onto
a piece of paper, so that you'll have it handy when prompted by the Worldcast software.

4.) In the Worldcast software Configuration Wizard, you should see a screen that includes
two option buttons, with choices for your recipients. These choices include "Import from
a file" and "I'll type them". You'll want to select "Import from a file". In the
Worldcast "Files of type:" dropdown box, select "Text Files (*.TXT)". Navigate to the
folder where you exported your query or table to, and select this text file.

5.) The Worldcast software includes the ability to insert fields into the body of your
e-mail message. These are available by clicking on Message > Insert Field.

An on-line manual is available at:

You can save this .PDF file to disk for later reference if you wish.


Could anyone, IN LAYMAN'S TERMS-step by step,as if I was pretty clueless
about computers, tell me how to...

1.take a table, containing an email for each record, and send the same
email to each.

2.Also,I need to be able to customize it so when I send a letter, each
email has the specific name, address, etc. of each contact
(like a mail merge)

Tom is always so good about writing out each step so I understand.
Has anyone else experienced his communication skills-he's awesome!


The best way to do this is to create a query containing just the fields
you need. Using VBA setup a recordset using that query. Read through
the record set using the DOCMD.SENDOBJECT command.
Below is a dummied down VBA script (may have an error as I had to rip
out a lot code not eneded for a dummied down script) that is basically
what you need.
NOTE - This is DAO code, not ADO

DoCmd.Hourglass True
Dim dbs As Database, rs1 As Recordset
Dim strSQl As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rs1 = dbs.OpenRecordset("YourQueryNameHere")
If rs1.BOF Then
MsgBox "No Records, quiting", vbCritical, "Error"
End If
Do While Not rs1.EOF
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "ReportNameHere", acFormatRTF,
rs1!EmailAddress, , , "Subject Goes Here", "Message Body Goes Here",
Set dbs = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False

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