I have this problem I am trying to get users to click on a
button and send it to me.
Sub email()
' ChDir "C:\My Documents"
' ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:= _
' "C:\My Documents\stats9.xls"
'x = MsgBox("Your Stats 9 has now been saved to c:/My
documents and is about to email it to Alistair Straight
away. Would you like this to continue to email Alistair or
email him later.", vbYesNo)
'If x = vbYes Then
Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim newm As Outlook.MailItem
Set ol = New Outlook.Application
Set ns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set newm = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With newm
.To = "bob the builder" ' email address to send to
.Subject = "material" ' subject of the email
.Body = "Hello" ' message in the email
With .Attachments ' attachment
.Add ("ActiveWorkbook") ' add the file i am
using at present
.DisplayName = "boo!!"
End With
End With
Set ol = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing
Set newm = Nothing
End sub
when i run this all i get is a Run-time error '-1006174187
(c4070015)': device is not ready.
error message and then goes to the part in the macro that
says .add ("activeworkbook") part. what I am trying to do
is save this file onto the users machine but i have no
idea where they are going to put it so i stated a location
but ultimately i work liek to send the activework book
with all the information back to me.
I have this problem I am trying to get users to click on a
button and send it to me.
Sub email()
' ChDir "C:\My Documents"
' ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:= _
' "C:\My Documents\stats9.xls"
'x = MsgBox("Your Stats 9 has now been saved to c:/My
documents and is about to email it to Alistair Straight
away. Would you like this to continue to email Alistair or
email him later.", vbYesNo)
'If x = vbYes Then
Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim newm As Outlook.MailItem
Set ol = New Outlook.Application
Set ns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set newm = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With newm
.To = "bob the builder" ' email address to send to
.Subject = "material" ' subject of the email
.Body = "Hello" ' message in the email
With .Attachments ' attachment
.Add ("ActiveWorkbook") ' add the file i am
using at present
.DisplayName = "boo!!"
End With
End With
Set ol = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing
Set newm = Nothing
End sub
when i run this all i get is a Run-time error '-1006174187
(c4070015)': device is not ready.
error message and then goes to the part in the macro that
says .add ("activeworkbook") part. what I am trying to do
is save this file onto the users machine but i have no
idea where they are going to put it so i stated a location
but ultimately i work liek to send the activework book
with all the information back to me.