Emailing an individual record


Julie C

I am trying to set up a control button, that when pushed will email a particular record in a form or table. I know that sendobject will email a table, form, query or report, but is there any way to isolate a particular record to send?

Rick B

Yes. Here is my code in my form. Strip out what you need...

Private Sub Send_Email_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Send_Email_Click
Dim msg

If (IsNull([Reference])) Then
msg = "Please select a record before creating the email."
MsgBox (msg)
'If no record selected, stop procedure
Exit Sub
End If

Dim varSubject As String
Dim varText As String
Dim varDocName As String
Dim varRep As String

varRep = IIf(IsNull([UserID]), "*Not Assigned*", [UserID])
varSubject = "Client: " & [Client_] & " - " & Left([ClientName], 15) & "
Ref: " & [Reference] & " Assignment: " & [Assignment] & " - " & [Type] & "
Rep: " & varRep
varText = "The following Assignment has been made:" & Chr(10) &
"Assigned Rep: " & varRep & Chr(10) & "Ref: " & [Reference] & Chr(10) &
[Client_] & " - " & [ClientName] & Chr(10) & [Assignment] & " " & [Type]
If [Assignment] Like "CONS*" Then
varDocName = "Misc - Consulting Schedule Notification"
Else: varDocName = "Misc - Install Schedule Notification"
End If

DoCmd.OpenReport varDocName, acViewPreview, "", "" ' Open the Report
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, , "Snapshot Format", , , , varSubject,
varText, True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Send_Email_Click

End Sub
I am trying to set up a control button, that when pushed will email a
particular record in a form or table. I know that sendobject will email a
table, form, query or report, but is there any way to isolate a particular
record to send?

Rick B

Please disregard. I posted the wrong code.

Rick B

Yes. Here is my code in my form. Strip out what you need...

Private Sub Send_Email_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Send_Email_Click
Dim msg

If (IsNull([Reference])) Then
msg = "Please select a record before creating the email."
MsgBox (msg)
'If no record selected, stop procedure
Exit Sub
End If

Dim varSubject As String
Dim varText As String
Dim varDocName As String
Dim varRep As String

varRep = IIf(IsNull([UserID]), "*Not Assigned*", [UserID])
varSubject = "Client: " & [Client_] & " - " & Left([ClientName], 15) & "
Ref: " & [Reference] & " Assignment: " & [Assignment] & " - " & [Type] & "
Rep: " & varRep
varText = "The following Assignment has been made:" & Chr(10) &
"Assigned Rep: " & varRep & Chr(10) & "Ref: " & [Reference] & Chr(10) &
[Client_] & " - " & [ClientName] & Chr(10) & [Assignment] & " " & [Type]
If [Assignment] Like "CONS*" Then
varDocName = "Misc - Consulting Schedule Notification"
Else: varDocName = "Misc - Install Schedule Notification"
End If

DoCmd.OpenReport varDocName, acViewPreview, "", "" ' Open the Report
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, , "Snapshot Format", , , , varSubject,
varText, True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Send_Email_Click

End Sub
I am trying to set up a control button, that when pushed will email a
particular record in a form or table. I know that sendobject will email a
table, form, query or report, but is there any way to isolate a particular
record to send?


do you have code that does this? I would like to either email the entry that I am currently entering into the form, or would like to set up a button on the switchboard to email a particular record.

Rick B

I can get you close. You would need to create a report to display the data
you want to email. when the button is clicked, you'd need to open the
report and filter it for the current record. Then email it.

Here is similar code from one of my databases that allows users to print an
employee data sheet. It simply limits the report to the currently viewed

Private Sub Print_Button_Click()
If (IsNull([UserID])) Then
' If no employee selected, stop procedure
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.OpenReport "Admin - Employee Worksheet", acViewNormal, "",
End Sub

do you have code that does this? I would like to either email the entry
that I am currently entering into the form, or would like to set up a button
on the switchboard to email a particular record.

julie c

Here is what I tried. I created a control box on my form and called it bill_email. I created a query and here is the language

SELECT [Bill Summary].[Bill Number], [Bill Summary].Hyperlink, [Bill Summary].Sponsor, [Bill Summary].Summary, [Bill Summary].Analysis, [Bill Summary].Backgroun
FROM [Bill Summary
WHERE ((([Bill Summary].[Bill Number])=forms!Bill_Summary!bill_email))

Bill Summary is the table, Bill Number, etc. are the fields. Bill_Summary is the form

I have another control box to run the macro to email the report generated from the query. When I hit the control box in the form, I get the query data sheet view, and it is empty. Any ideas? (It is important to note that I am not a programmer, and don't quite understand what I am doing!!!!) Thank

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