Emailing Custom Reports to Users



I have a database where a report is generated based on the current BuyerID
listed in a form. The report lists all the buyers bids on certain items and
is therfore unique to whatever those buyers bid on (from their bid sheet).

I want to send a report (pref. in PDF format) to each buyer letting them
know what they bid on and the other bids that were made on the same items.
After much anguish I have finally been able to create the report, however
sending this report to each buyer is causing some headache. I know this may
seem like a common question and I have read some of the threads posted, but
am struggling with an understanding. With a basic knowledge of VB code, I
would greatly appreciate a "Coding for Idiots" response to my question.

I looked into using the SendObject command but this only works on each
individual report. I want to send emails to all buyers automatically
(indicating their bids only - as in the report I created). Do I need to
create a report for each buyer or would a mail merge to word be more suitable
before emailing?

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

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