My company estimates construction projects for architects at an early stage
of design. I have a mini-application that assists us in preparing cover
letters to send to vendors requesting a quotation for items specified in the
construction documents.
The main tables are:
CompanyID AutoNumber PK
CompanyName Text
CompanyType Integer FK->CompanyType
SubType Integer FK->SubType
RepID Integer FK->tblCompany
Email Text
JobNum Text FK->Projects
DueDate Date/Time
ItemID AutoNumber PK
JobNum Text FK->tblRFQBySchedule
MfrID Integer FK->tblCompany
EquipDesc Text
The user enters the project number on a main form based on tblRFQBySchedule,
and then the items on a continuous subform based on tblRFQByScheduleItems,
linked by the JobNum. As the RepID for each manufacturing company is stored
in tblCompany, it provides the means to produce a report, one page for each
rep, requesting they quote items for one or more manufacturer's items.
Originally, we used this as a fax cover sheet, and attached the portion of
the equipment schedule that applied to them, laboriously copying the section
from a 40" x 30" drawing.
The current process publishes the report to MS Word, and each page is pasted
to an email, and a .pdf version of the schedule, located in a folder named by
the JobNum, is attached. This is a quantum leap from where we were, but we'd
like to automate it more fully.
My intent is to add an ItemAttachment table, a detail table (many side) for
ItemAttachmentID AutoNumber PK
ItemID Integer FK to RFQByScheduleItems
FileSpec Text
Ideally, the user would enter the project and related items as before, but
for each item would add one or more attachment files. When the user pressed
the "Send Emails" button, it would loop through the records, and create an
email for each rep, with the report text placed in the body, and the attached
files as attachments. It would pause on each record to allow the user to
make any necessary customizations or corrections, until the user pressed Send.
I need help with:
- Presenting the file list in a combo box for selection
- Creating the email
- Pausing the application to allow the user to confirm each email
We are using MS Outlook 2003 SP2 & Access 2003 under Windows XP Professional
2002 Service Pack 2.
Thanks for any advice.
of design. I have a mini-application that assists us in preparing cover
letters to send to vendors requesting a quotation for items specified in the
construction documents.
The main tables are:
CompanyID AutoNumber PK
CompanyName Text
CompanyType Integer FK->CompanyType
SubType Integer FK->SubType
RepID Integer FK->tblCompany
Email Text
JobNum Text FK->Projects
DueDate Date/Time
ItemID AutoNumber PK
JobNum Text FK->tblRFQBySchedule
MfrID Integer FK->tblCompany
EquipDesc Text
The user enters the project number on a main form based on tblRFQBySchedule,
and then the items on a continuous subform based on tblRFQByScheduleItems,
linked by the JobNum. As the RepID for each manufacturing company is stored
in tblCompany, it provides the means to produce a report, one page for each
rep, requesting they quote items for one or more manufacturer's items.
Originally, we used this as a fax cover sheet, and attached the portion of
the equipment schedule that applied to them, laboriously copying the section
from a 40" x 30" drawing.
The current process publishes the report to MS Word, and each page is pasted
to an email, and a .pdf version of the schedule, located in a folder named by
the JobNum, is attached. This is a quantum leap from where we were, but we'd
like to automate it more fully.
My intent is to add an ItemAttachment table, a detail table (many side) for
ItemAttachmentID AutoNumber PK
ItemID Integer FK to RFQByScheduleItems
FileSpec Text
Ideally, the user would enter the project and related items as before, but
for each item would add one or more attachment files. When the user pressed
the "Send Emails" button, it would loop through the records, and create an
email for each rep, with the report text placed in the body, and the attached
files as attachments. It would pause on each record to allow the user to
make any necessary customizations or corrections, until the user pressed Send.
I need help with:
- Presenting the file list in a combo box for selection
- Creating the email
- Pausing the application to allow the user to confirm each email
We are using MS Outlook 2003 SP2 & Access 2003 under Windows XP Professional
2002 Service Pack 2.
Thanks for any advice.