Emails arriving over and over



Since Monday evening, I've had duplicate emails arriving in my inbox. I'll
delete the message and then I receive it again (exact same message, time
stamp and everything). My EZArmor anti virus says I'm clear, but it smells
like a virus or worm. I use yahoo as my POP3 server but don't know if that
is the problem.


I am having the same problem. I use sbcglobal which became Yahoo which
became ATT.

Outlook 2003 XP pro


I have the problem too. I assume they know about it.

Easiest way to get rid of them in Outlook is too click unread messges,
verify there are none you haven't seen, then highlight and mass delete
them all


I've contacted yahoo and am awaiting a reply. I'm not worried about getting
rid of them - but I got 264 copies of the same email between 8:14 and 9:57
last night - I just want it to stop!

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